Easily Data

4.1 ( 7961 ratings )

"Easily Data" is an application that you can record and view your data easily. You can do following operations with this application :
* You can create templates that you can group your data. The name “Forms” is used for these templates in the application. For examle, a customer form for your customer records, an audit check list form if you control or audit something.
* You can make records for your forms. For example “a new customer” record for your customer list, or “a new check” record for your audits.
* You can list, view, update and remove your records.
--You can list all your records,
--You can list according to criterion that you want. (For example; customers that has name ......; audit check results which have positive results etc),
--You can send your records to a mail address by a text file. And you can open this text file on your desktop computer and make reports (e.g. you can open by excel)
* You can list, view, update and remove your form(template) definitons.
* You can share your form definitons with others via mail.
* You can import others’ form definitons to your phone.
* You can use and change the forms that come in application.
..........Application is optimized for iPhone 6 Plus............